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Autore Quando lo sport unisce

Reg.: 21 Nov 2002
Messaggi: 15032
Da: Roma (RM)
Inviato: 27-03-2005 21:38  
GERUSALEMME - Gli sportivi israeliani hanno da oggi un nuovo eroe: e' il calciatore arabo Abbas Suan che ieri al novantesimo minuto allo stadio di Ramat Gan (Tel Aviv) ha permesso alla nazionale di calcio israeliana di concludere con un onorevole 1-1 l'incontro con la nazionale irlandese valido per le qualificazioni mondiali.

Suan domina oggi su tutte le prime pagine negli inserti sportivi dei quotidiani del paese. Il Maariv non esita a definire il calciatore, che e' di religione musulmana, ''Eroe di Israele''.

Suan, che gioca nel Sakhnin, la sola squadra di calcio araba presente nella serie A, era stato oggetto appena poche settimane fa di una serie di epiteti razzisti che tifosi del Betar-Jerusalem gli avevano rivolto nel corso di una partita tra le due squadre e poi anche durante un'amichevole tra Israele e Croazia.

''Voglio aprire una nuova pagina perche' nella nazionale io gioco per tutti gli israeliani, arabi ed ebrei'' ha detto il calciatore.

Qualunque destino, per lungo e complicato che sia, consta in realtà di un solo momento : quello in cui l'uomo sa per sempre chi è

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Reg.: 08 Giu 2004
Messaggi: 10143
Inviato: 28-03-2005 10:27  
Vorrei aggiungere che Mourinho (che i giornali etichettano sempre come l'antipatico) si è reso protagonista di una ottima iniziativa

TEL AVIV (Reuters) - Chelsea coach Jose Mourinho took time off from his daily schedule at the English Premier League leaders to help promote Middle East peace efforts as he started a two-day visit to Israel Sunday.

Mourinho was in Israel at the invitation of deputy prime minister Shimon Peres's peace organization which asked him to lend his support to a coaching program for Israeli and Palestinian children.

Peres thanked Mourinho for finding the time to come to Israel but the Portuguese coach said the experience of seeing the children play together was humbling.

"It is I who should thank Peres and the people who work for him in his wonderful organization. My sports world is very different from this one and it is great for me to come to pure reality," Mourinho said.

"Sometimes in my world of sports we think that we are very important people because football is magic and is very important socially but in fact the real heroes of life are the people who work for very important causes."

Mourinho watched at a Tel Aviv's Winter Stadium as groups of young children from the Peres Center for Peace project carried out training drills and he posed for photos alongside them.

More than 800 Israeli and Palestinian children from 15 communities in the region are currently participating in the program known as the "Twinned Peace Soccer Schools" project.

Peres shared the 1994 Nobel Peace Prize with Palestinian President Arafat who died last year, and with Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, who was assassinated in 1995, for their efforts to achieve a Middle East peace agreement.

The former prime minister, who later set up his organization to promote peace projects in the Middle East, said that football should be the replacement for the conflict between Israeli and Palestinians.

"There is nothing like sport to bring people together in the most noble manner, in competitive mood without any damage to their land, their society, to their hopes," Peres said.

Mourinho promised that after his soccer coaching days end he would devote himself to Peres's cause.

"Probably, when football finishes for me there will be many other things in the world to which I can contribute so from now on I want to say to Shimon Peres that they can look on me as one of them and that the power of football can be used to promote their wonderful cause and if I can bring them some joy to the kids then I will be really happy."

Mourinho's trip to Israel concludes Monday with a lecture to local Israeli and Palestinians soccer coaches followed by a news conference.
Spock: We must acknowledge once and for all that the purpose of diplomacy is to prolong a crisis.

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Reg.: 06 Gen 2005
Messaggi: 2394
Da: cagliari (CA)
Inviato: 28-03-2005 12:09  
Sono due ottimi esempi di come lo sport dovrebbe essere.
Su Mourinho che c'è da da aggiungere ?
La mia stima per lui cresce di giorno in giorno

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